Secret of Mark Zuckerberg’s Success Story

From 2004 to 2007, every major corporation in the world tried to acquire Facebook. They could all see its potential for growth, which made them all want to acquire. Finally in 2006, the owner of the company consented to speak with Yahoo. An 22 years old young boy {owner of facebook Mark Zukrburg} met the major fame, world’s biggest investors,Peter Thiel. who put propoasal of 1 billion $ in front of that young boy.

Because it’s such a great accomplishment for him at this age, Peter Thiel believed the youngster would readily accept his proposal. The young man, however, turned down his offer and stated, “I’m not here to sell my firm; I’m here to determine its value.”

What a confidance ! Ahha

Mark Zuckerberg is one of the wealthiest person in the world right now.

Facebook is now estimated to be worth around 967 billion dollars, and at the age of 23, Mark Zuckerberg became the youngest billionaire.

Really very inspiring for youth.

Strength of Facebook

Facebook is currently the largest network company in the world. 7894 million users in total. The world’s most information, including all of our preferences, is in one man’s hand.

Facebook’s influence in the US election is highly unexpected. With the aid of Facebook, we may communicate with one another both domestically and abroad.

Isn’t that something amazing?

“I am here to build something for the long-term. Anything else is a distraction.”

-Mark Zuckerberg

Wonders at the age of 11

His father was dentist. And his clinic was in the 1st floor of his house.There was always had rush of patients.

Mark built an intranet for the house , which allowed every computer in the house to exchane messages. named “Zucknet” at the age of 11.

And at the age of 17 he made another app called “Synapse“. And it was famous that time. Big companies like Microsoft trying to buy this app. but Mark refused them. And he posted the app online for free and went to Harvard university for study.

He shows that age doesn’t matter. At the small age also you can achieve success. Really talented guy. Hatts Off !

Invention of Facebook

When Mark studied at Harvard University, he realised that the thousonds of students in the university but didn’t know each other. They had no platform to communicate. Mark went to the head pannel of university , but they said they were making it, it would take few years. Mark was not satisfied with thier answer. He thought he could do this faster than them.

In January 2004 Mark began to writing code and in February 2004 he launched ‘The facebook.’

Mark completed that task in one month, for which Harvard wanted years.In March Facebook reached Columbia.

In june 2004 a revolutionary event occurred. Facebook office was shifted to California. Biggest investor Peter Thiel bought 10% shares of facebook for 500000$ and “The Facebook” bacame “Facebook.”

Mentor is important for business.

Facebook developed hackathon in 2007 .They used engineers to impliment prototypes. Through hackathons, facebook developed all the features we see on screen.

Mark Zuckerbergs hackathon strategy :-

  • Input from talent throughout the world.
  • Input from customers.
  • After taking all inputs comparing it’s compition innovate new one.
  • Use flat organisation structure.
  • Quick communication.
  • Lower level employee can take ideas to top level .
  • No one kills another’s talent.
  • Compititor analysys.

Customer feedback is also the secret of product success.

Ideas of Mark regarding Hiring

Mark said,” He hired 2 types of people One who has Raw intellegence who experiment new ideas, take challenges and second is who are caliber to run my business in my absence.” He made team of intellent people. which helpful to reach your companies vision.

Mark’s theory about compititors

If the compititor is more poweful than you then either deal with them or absorb them. Friendster, Myspace arrived before facebook. Facebook deal with them through quick decision making. But when facebook realised its not possible to deal with Whats App and Instagram, they would became a strong compititor in future. Zuckerberg bought Instagram at 1 Billion $ in 2012. And in 2014 purchased Whats App at 19 Billion$ with all conditions. Why he paid too much amount with conditions because as compare to massenger ; Whats App was sending 8 million messages daily. And facebook mesenger was sending only 3.5 million messages daily.

Before Whats App eat up facebook, Zuckerberg made it his own and became owner of Whats App.

What a business minded person ! really appreciate.

My personal liking things in mark zuckerber:

99 % shares of facebook donate to charity. He proved that no need to become old age to donate charity.

Very inspiring person. Ideal for todays youth.

At the age of 25 at the top of the world.

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